On June 28, 2024, Mercedeis Akeera Guest, 15 years old, was reported missing by her mother to the Midlothian Police Department. The child, classified as high risk for exploitation or trafficking, was the subject of concern due to her absence. On July 5, 2024, Mercedeis's mother informed authorities that she had received a text message from Mercedeis, sent from an unknown older male's phone.
Following this development, on Friday, July 5th, the North Texas HSI Trafficking Task Force and Fort Worth Police Department located Mercedeis in southeast Fort Worth. Despite the efforts of law enforcement, the juvenile managed to evade capture and is currently believed to still be in the area.
Authorities urge anyone with information regarding Mercedeis's whereabouts to contact the Midlothian Police Department at 972-775-3333.