Irving residents can get free COVID-19 testing in the following locations. You must provide documentation proving that you are a Dallas County resident such as a utility bill.
Drive-Thru Testing Location:
- University of Dallas - 1845 E. Northgate Drive, Irving, Texas 75062, Lot B
- Hours: 7am - 1pm, Monday to Saturday
Criteria for Drive-Thru testing: Updated July 16, 2020
- Persons with symptoms of potential COVID-19 infection, including: fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, new loss of taste or smell, vomiting or diarrhea, and/or sore throat; OR
- Anyone 65-years-old or older; OR
- Anyone with chronic health issues (diabetes, asthma, heart issues, etc.);
- Any first responders, DART drivers, healthcare workers, grocery store and essential retail store workers; OR
- Persons without symptoms who have been actively engaged in large group settings, such as public gatherings or congregations of people, within the past fifteen (15) days.
Parkland also offers testing through the Irving Health Center, but are limited to those making appointments. The hours of operation are 9 am to 4 pm. To make an appointment call (214) 590-8060 Monday through Friday or visit
- Irving Health Center
- 1800 N. Britain Road
- Irving, TX 75061
CVS Health
- Drive-Up Sites
- Because of limited supplies and in accordance with CDC guidelines, testing is limited to certain patients.
- MinuteClinic performs a PCR test, which tests for active infections only. CVS does not administer antibody tests.
- Appointments must be made in advance.
- Locations:
- 3401 West Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, TX 75038
- 1333 Story Road, Irving, TX 75060