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Holiday DWI No-Refusal Operation

The Irving Police Department will be conducting several DWI No-Refusal Operations over the next two holiday weeks. The operations are in conjunction with the State’s "Drink. Drive. Go to Jail." campaign. The Department will have additional officers on duty with the primary purpose of locating and arresting impaired drivers. The campaign has proven to be a very successful deterrent that reminds the public of the consequences of driving drunk. The high-visibility will also greatly enhance the efforts to discourage drunk driving.

Anyone who is arrested for DWI will only be offered a blood test. If the arrested person refuses to provide a sample, a judge will be present in order to authorize a warrant for a blood draw. When making plans for the Christmas and New Year’s holiday, ensure that you have made arrangements for a safe way home. The Irving Police Department encourages everyone to "Know Your Plan Home" after celebrating. Take a taxi to and from your destination, have a designated driver, or, for those who don’t want to leave their car parked at the location, call a wrecker to have your vehicle towed. They will take you and your car home safely. The cost of a tow-truck is much cheaper than the cost of a DWI arrest.

If you are on the road and suspect someone of driving drunk, please call the police.

The operations will take place on the nights of December 27

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