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Starting Your Own Art Business - A Few Simple Things To Consider

Turning a passion into something profitable is the dream of many people, and it's something that is much more attainable than you think. As an artist, you will likely have loved creating beautiful artwork for as far back as you can remember, finding a sense of peace and focus when putting paintbrush to canvas or stylus to tablet. But turning it into a business is rarely something that people consider. However, once you're at a stage in which you are confident in your talents and have noticed a measurable interest from people wanting to buy your artwork, then you really can take this opportunity to make a profit or even a living off your art. Here are a few things to think about when starting your first art business.

Commit To The Persona
One of the most important steps to selling your art is to fully commit to an artist's persona. This means you'll need to pull yourself away from self-doubt, or at least wear a mask over that doubt. The way people perceive you can heavily impact their opinion of your work, and an air of confidence demonstrates that you understand your art and that its creation is intentional and not a fluke. At the same time, don't go too far along the spectrum of confidence, as you might end up seeming arrogant. There's a fine line to walk between confidence and humility, and it's on you to find that balance.

Create A Professional Website
As a business owner, it's important that you have a professional website as, regardless of how great your artwork is, a poorly built website is going to dissuade certain customers from investing in your work. It's highly recommended that you spend time developing a quality website, or work with an experienced web designer to ensure that your website looks as professional as possible. Alongside this, you might want to consider getting a physical mailing address for business as well as a professional phone number which can redirect to whichever phone you want to use. These will both make your business look much more professional and inspire more trust in your customers.

Take Quality Photos Of Your Art
When displaying your artwork online, it's important that you have some good visual representations of your pieces so that potential customers have a good idea as to what they're buying. Failing to take good photos of your artwork can prevent people from seeing how great they truly are. Of course, you'll want to ensure that any photos you upload online are still heavily watermarked and of a fairly small size to prevent anyone from stealing them and printing them elsewhere.

Showcase Your Work
As well as showing your work via your website, you will also want to consider doing this the classic way too. Of course, getting accepted by an art gallery is not always easy, as there are lots of equally talented artists vying to be recognized in a public space. However, it's a worthwhile pursuit, as being able to show your work to buyers in person can be very lucrative. Many attending art gallery shows are looking to buy from well-recognized artists or invest in potential up-and-comers. These investments may be a bargain for these art aficionados if you become big, but right now, the money they spend on your work can still be life-changing, and it's a great way to become recognized.


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