In the early hours of December 1, 2023, Stillwater Police Department officers in Oklahoma responded to a distressing call at the FarmHouse Fraternity, reporting a deceased longhorn on their front yard. Upon arrival, officers confirmed the animal's demise, prompting the initiation of an investigation.
The incident unfolded just a day before the highly anticipated Big 12 Championship Game between the University of Texas Longhorns and Oklahoma State Cowboys.
In response to the disturbing event, Oklahoma State University officials released a statement expressing their dismay. The statement reads, "Oklahoma State University is appalled at the disturbing display of animal cruelty that occurred overnight at an off-campus location near a fraternity house. The Stillwater Police Department is investigating the incident, and the university’s Office of Student Support and Conduct also has initiated an investigation. Oklahoma State expects all students to adhere to university codes of conduct, and appropriate action will be taken based on the outcome of the investigation."
Anyone with information regarding this matter is asked to contact the Stillwater Police Department at 405-533-8477.