In a joint effort by the Plano General Property Crimes and Juvenile Crimes Unit, a meticulously planned theft deterrence operation took place on November 30, 2023, involving 14 officers from various units. The operation spanned nine hours and targeted organized retail theft along the US 75 corridor, collaborating with loss prevention associates from supermarkets, department stores, and home improvement outlets.
This marked the twelfth "blitz" operation conducted by the Detectives in the past year, resulting in a notable success with ten arrests and the recovery of $8,466.55 worth of stolen merchandise. Among the apprehended suspects were known habitual offenders, some with a track record of stealing thousands of dollars' worth of goods.
During the operation, one suspect was found in possession of approximately $5,000 worth of stolen merchandise in their vehicle. In a separate arrest, two individuals were discovered with over $1,500 in counterfeit $20 bills. The suspects faced a range of charges, including outstanding warrants, felony and misdemeanor theft offenses, possession of controlled substances, possession of drug paraphernalia, criminal trespass, and forgery.
The Secret Service has been informed about the counterfeit money, raising the possibility of additional charges in the future. The collaboration between Detectives, Officers, and Loss Prevention associates highlights the dedication to apprehending habitual offenders and deterring criminal activities in Plano.