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Urgent: 2020 Census and the Corona Virus

The world is facing a global pandemic, and each community is rising to meet this challenge, but what does that have to do with the 2020 Census? The U.S. Census Bureau needs residents to reply via mail or online at as soon as possible.

The data collected from each census provides communities information on how many people they serve, their ages and household sizes. During a natural disaster, this information can be used to plan and prioritize relief efforts and to request support or reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

In addition, the Bureau conducts a very detailed annual American Community Survey of 3% of the households in the nation. This survey helps estimate population growth, income levels and poverty status. This additional information is used to refine disaster planning efforts, and when coupled with the data from the Census, can activate sources of federal funding.

The federal government distributes approximately $675 billion annually through states and local governments based on the Census and ACS data. One of the federal funding mechanisms that benefits Irving is the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.

The CDBG program has funded the construction of Rose Meadow Park, as well as the renovations at Senter Park and Georgia Farrow recreation centers and the construction of the Irving Health Center. The related HOME program, also funded based on Census data, helps with housing rehabilitation and new construction that serves moderate income households.

In order to ensure the City of Irving receives its fair share of federal funding and has accurate information for relief planning in the future, residents are urged to visit and fill out the Census today.

The health and safety of the community is important. Everyone counts!

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