The Irving Police Department is set to hold a Child Safety Seat Event on Saturday, November 11, 2023, from 8:15 am to 11:15 am at the Family Advocacy Center, located at 600 W. Pioneer Dr. This event aims to educate parents and caregivers about the importance of proper child safety seat installation to prevent child injuries and fatalities in car crashes.
Car accidents stand as the leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths in children. Properly installed child safety seats play a crucial role in preventing injuries and fatalities among young passengers. Shockingly, more than 80 percent of child safety seats on the road today are improperly installed, leaving countless children at risk.
To address this issue and improve child safety on the roads, the Irving Police Department has organized this event. The event is free of charge, but due to limited spots, participants are required to make an appointment by calling 972-721-7360.
Certified child passenger safety technicians from the Irving Police Department will be present to guide parents and caregivers on how to correctly install child safety seats in their vehicles. By providing this essential knowledge, the Irving Police Department hopes to ensure the safety of children in the community during car journeys.