Detectives and patrol officers from the Grapevine Police Department, in collaboration with multiple North Texas law enforcement agencies, have successfully dismantled a highly organized cargo theft ring responsible for over $3 million in stolen merchandise. The operation is linked to numerous warehouse burglaries across the region, with cases dating back to 2023.
Investigation Origins
The investigation began after a May 13, 2024, burglary at a Grapevine warehouse where thieves stole approximately $500,000 worth of Ray-Ban glasses and Oculus goggles. Surveillance footage showed a suspect cutting a hole in a bay door and using a stolen box truck to load pallets of merchandise.
In response, Grapevine’s crime analysts created a detailed bulletin with photos of the suspects, the stolen vehicle, and their methods. This bulletin prompted responses from neighboring law enforcement agencies who suspected the same group was behind similar burglaries in their jurisdictions. Analysts also linked the operation to crime bulletins from 2023, revealing a pattern of activity involving the same tactics.
Uncovering the Operation
Through extensive collaboration with law enforcement agencies, Grapevine detectives identified an elaborate network that targeted warehouses storing high-value electronics and goods. The suspects would use multiple lookouts and stolen vehicles to conduct their crimes, which included seven confirmed burglaries between August 2023 and June 2024.
In August 2024, detectives observed a suspect vehicle circling a Grapevine warehouse known for housing electronics. Surveillance confirmed an active burglary attempt. Using drones, officers monitored the scene and coordinated a rapid response. Although multiple lookouts tipped off the suspects, allowing most to flee, one individual was apprehended that night.
Arrests and Charges
Between August and November 2024, six additional suspects were arrested. Those charged with Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity, a first-degree felony, include:
- Adrian Ellison, 38, Dallas
- Julius Green, 40, Dallas
- Willie Hill, 38, Dallas
- Eric White, 33, Dallas
- Fayzal Kara, 40, Carrollton
- Ronnie Vaden, 33, Dallas
- Derrick White, 38, Dallas
The investigation revealed the group’s sophisticated methods. Suspects strategically used lookouts stationed throughout the city to monitor police activity and used stolen vehicles to transport the stolen merchandise. The group’s precision and coordination allowed them to execute high-value heists while avoiding detection for years.
The operation’s success is attributed to the collaborative efforts of multiple law enforcement agencies across North Texas. Their cooperation allowed detectives to connect related cases, uncover critical evidence, and build a comprehensive case against the suspects.
Grapevine Police expressed gratitude to the partnering agencies for their dedication and commitment to solving these complex crimes, emphasizing that the investigation highlights the importance of interagency collaboration in addressing organized crime.