In an incident that unfolded on the evening of Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at approximately 8:28 pm, law enforcement officers were called to the Jack in the Box Restaurant located at 804 East Seminary in response to a stabbing incident. Fort Worth Fire Department and MedStar personnel swiftly joined the scene in a bid to assist.
Upon their arrival, officers found an adult male victim who had sustained two stab wounds to his upper left back. According to the victim's account, he had been present at the Taco Cabana Restaurant situated at 4313 South Freeway alongside the suspected assailant, another adult male. An argument between the two had escalated into a physical altercation, with the suspect producing a knife and using it to inflict two stab wounds to the victim's upper left back. Following the attack, the victim fled to the nearby Jack in the Box Restaurant, seeking immediate medical attention, while the assailant fled the area.
The victim was subsequently transported to a Fort Worth hospital, where he remains in critical condition.
Authorities are actively investigating the incident and working to identify and locate the suspect.