The Garland Police Department has identified 30-year-old Gema Rostran, a resident of Garland, as the victim of a shooting that occurred on Sunday, August 25, 2024. The incident took place in a business parking lot following a disturbance that escalated into a physical altercation involving multiple individuals.
According to detectives, the altercation involved 23-year-old Sergio Nicolas Jaramillo Jr. of Dallas. Preliminary reports indicate that Jaramillo discharged a firearm during the conflict, resulting in three individuals being shot. Ms. Rostran succumbed to her injuries, while the other two victims sustained injuries but are expected to survive.
Arrest warrants were issued for Jaramillo, charging him with the murder of Ms. Rostran and two counts of aggravated assault with serious bodily injury. On Tuesday, August 27, at approximately 1 AM, Jaramillo turned himself in to the Garland Police Department without incident.
Jaramillo is currently being held at the Garland Detention Center. No bond has been set for the charges, which include murder and aggravated assault, all classified as first-degree felonies.